July 03, 2011

Card of the Day - July 3, 2011

Kick Up Your Heels
Healing with the Fairies

Your soul longs to celebrate and have fun. The fairies urge you to call your friends for a get together or an evening out. This is the perfect card for this weekend Sunday. After slogging for the entire week, you should now relax and listen to your soul's calling. You need a break. You need to enjoy yourself. Go for an exciting adventure or for an out of town trip, throw a party or just go dancing. Sometimes we procastinate when it comes to personal outings for many reasons: lack of time or money. Experiencing sheer joy gives us a fresh perspective and new ideas.Its time for YOU to make the initiative to suggest an evening out and to take the lead and plan a special event.

Affirmation: Say this loudly, "I am spirited, playful and fun to be with. I create ways to celebrate with my friends."

1 comment:

  1. Thank-you for the interpretation of this card. :-)


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