October 11, 2011

Card of the Day - Oct 11, 2011

Healing with the Fairies oracle cards
Environmental Awareness

The fairy kingdom is very worried about our Mother Earth. They are urging you to save it through environmental awareness.We all live in one world, and need to be aware of our one most important goal, to protect and save our planet from pollution and degradation. Today, help the planet in any way you can. You could plant trees, stop littering, recycle, adopt a stray animal or create awareness about any of these important things. Recently, I attended a storytelling seminar which was primarily about Ecological conservation. There are endangered species like the Bengal tiger with only 1400 left in India is because of deforestation and hunting.We must be consciously aware about how we are harming our planet because unknowingly we are doing a lot we don't know. We need to change a few habits and adopt new ones. Something simple is not using plastic bags, instead using paper or jute bags instead on a daily basis. Even one person can make a difference and I hope that everyone reading this will make a difference even in a small way. You have the power to make a huge impact on our planet. 

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