February 28, 2022

Card of the day: Love Heals Fear


Card of the day: Love Heals Fear

The power of your love can help bullies and angry people to be less afraid

The reason bullies bully is because they too have their inner demons. They are afraid or insecure, they have a traumatic past or have some other psychological issues like being bipolar or some undiagnosed issues. Just be yourself and love everyone around you and don’t let them affect you. Your love has so much power that it can heal anyone touched by it. 

February 26, 2022

Card of the day: Decide

 Card of the day: Decide

Feb 26, 2022

It is time to clearly make a decision about what you want. You have been procrastinating and delaying making an important decision. Today you need to sit down and really think about what it is you really want to do. The decision is an important one to make. It could be related to marriage, jobs, love or education. To make your decision, you can rely on intuition, take help from others or visit a councillor or even research online. Delaying further isn’t going to help as the right time to take action is NOW. 

February 25, 2022

Card of the day: Practice

 Card of the day: Practice

Feb 25, 2022

The best way to be good at a skill is to practice, practice, practice until you get it right

Don’t give up. Keep trying and practising till you reach your goals. It may not happen in one day or two. It could take you weeks, months or even years to reach where you want.

February 24, 2022

Card of the day: Exercise

 Card of the day: Exercise

Feb 24, 2022

Run, walk, swim or move your body in other ways. This will give you more energy and happiness. Exercise helps you breathe air deeply which makes your body feel alive and awake. Breathing air deeply sparks new ideas and answers your questions. Even a little activity can make a difference. It is worth the time and trouble because afterwards you will have more energy to get work done or even have more fun. It will also help you to sleep better and deal better with stress. 

February 23, 2022

Card of the day: Best Friends

 Card of the day: Best Friends 

Feb 23,2022 

True friends stick together no matter what

You need to spend time with a friend. Perhaps you have had a fight with your buddy or someone needs some extra attention. Take some time today to contact this person and share your feelings with each other. Time is a gift and helps you become closer. Sometimes you may feel alone, so ask the angels to help you with your friendships and to bring new people into your life. Reach out to the people you like today. 

February 22, 2022

Card of the day: Water

 Card of the day: Water

Drink more water and eat foods with water in them such as fresh fruits and vegetables

To feel good, your body needs to have water and foods that have water in them. Drink more water as a way to fuel your energy. When your body lacks water, it can make you feel tired. Instead of eating sugary foods, eat fruits which are naturally full of water and have natural sugars. Swimming and bathing in water is a way of healing. 

February 21, 2022

Card of the day: Worth Waiting For


Card of the day: Worth Waiting For

Your patience will be rewarded

Patience is a virtue which only some people have. Be patient in order to have results. The results will definitely be worth waiting for. Just like a plant or a tree, it takes a good amount of time, dedication and patience to bear fruit. Don’t worry as the time is nearing for you to see results.

February 18, 2022

Card of the day: It’s Okay to be Different

 Card of the day: It’s Okay to be Different

You don’t need to be like everyone else. You’re perfect just as you are! You could feel you are different compared to others. You could not be motherly by nature, or feel like working hard, or even going out with friends, or studying hard like your classmates. It’s okay! Don’t be hard on yourself. Appreciate yourself for your unique qualities and don’t put pressure on yourself to be perfect. 

February 17, 2022

Card of the day: Pets

Card of the day: Pets

You love and understand animals. 

You have a connection with animals. If you feel drawn towards having a pet, this is a sign to go ahead. Spend time with animals as a form o release stress, worries and anxiety. Animals love you. They know that you respect them and their needs. Your pets specially love you and appreciate when you give them extra time and attention.  

February 16, 2022

Card of the day: Healer

 Card of the day: Healer

You have the power to heal and help others 

Today you may be presented with an opportunity to help or heal someone. You can heal with music or your words or a selfless action. You can also physically heal with your hands by doing some healing techniques like Reiki or by using herbs, flower essences, crystals or Himalayan salt. It is a reminder to use your healing powers to guide those around you or even yourself. 

February 14, 2022

Card of the day: Happy Surprise

 Card of the day: Happy Surprise

Something very good is about to happen. 

You’re in for a treat as you’ll have a happy surprise very soon. It will make you feel excited and joyous. It could come in any form. It is a gift, it could be a favour in the form of kindness or an opportunity or some good news. Your dreams are coming true but in unexpected and different ways. Surprises are gifts of love. Have faith. 

February 11, 2022

Card of the day: Love

 Card of the day: Love

The answer you are seeking is love

Love is all that matters. At the end of the day, ask yourself am I doing things out of love? How much love am I spreading in the world? Love is what makes the world go round. Even as Valentine’s Day comes near, we need to remind ourselves that it is all about love, not about commercialisation, gifts, over-the-top gestures or celebrations. Love within your heart is all that you need. 

February 10, 2022

Card of the day: Grandparent

 Card of the day: Grandparent

You have a special bond with a grandparent. It can never be broken. 

Today you can spend time with your grandparent or an elder person who will impart great wisdom to you. Grandparents are like guiding angels always blessing us and guiding us on the right path. Their experience of life is valuable. Try to be patient and sympathetic towards those with physical morbidities. Even after death, the bond stays strong.

February 09, 2022

Card of the day: Thankful

 Card of the day: Thankful

Think about the people and things you feel grateful for. 

Today be grateful and thankful for all the blessings in your life. You may feel sometimes that the grass is greener on the other side. You may feel you do not have enough or envy others. Be thankful and know that you have more than most. Be grateful to the universe for fulfilling your every need.

February 03, 2022

Card of the day: Let go of Stress

 Card of the day: Let go of Stress

Don’t take on other people’s stress. Breathe it out now. Why do we burden ourselves with things which are not important to us? It’s time to let go. Recognise what is worth your time and what is unnecessary. Take care of your health and use your time and efforts sparingly. Stressing out is never positive. Take a deep breath and relax. 

February 02, 2022

Card of the day: Family culture


Card of the day: Family culture 

Learn more about your family’s stories and history. The issue you are facing could be related to your ancestral past, genetics or your family’s history. Find out more about your family’s past to receive answers. This could be some genetic diseases or disorders or some unresolved conflicts or issues. There could be some psychological issues like mental sickness like depression or even patterns like divorces. The only way to resolve these issues is to look deep within and change ourselves and heal the past. 

February 01, 2022

Card of the day: You are Gifted

 Card of the day: You are Gifted

You are very intelligent and talented. You are smart like a computer and have the ability to memorise well. You’re gifted in many topics specially those which interest you. Keep that nagging thought out of your mind that you’re not good enough or smart enough. You can see things in a special way, which others can’t. You may have different ways of learning, or had experiences which made you doubt yourself and your talents. You could be emotionally smart or visually smart, instead of the conventional ways. Don’t bother if others don’t understand you. You are wise, talented and gifted. 

Deck of the month: Magical Unicorns Oracle cards

 Welcome to the month of February! 

February is the month of love and also happens to be my birthday month. 

This month I will be pulling the daily card of the day from the deck which is one of my favourite decks, the Magical Unicorns oracle deck by Doreen Virtue. ðŸ¦„🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 

Unicorns are magical creatures and they belong to the astral realm. They have the purest energies from all the elementals and legend has it that only the purest souls can see them, specially children. Pure children are attracted to unicorn cartoons and fairy tales. 

It’s my birthday month so I will also be doing some free readings so be sure to like my Facebook page, Instagram page and Twitter account as well. I will also be having birthday offers for Tarot readings at discounted prices. 




Card of the day: Raw Morganite

  Card of the day: Raw Morganite The keywords of the card are sensitivity, gentleness, empathy and compassion This is a time for you to embr...